HomeEducation3 Tips for SAT reading and writing

3 Tips for SAT reading and writing

We live in a competitive age, where each person as a profession arranged understudy is running a competition to be the best individual in his life. Individuals pick various vocations for themselves yet the principle street that prompts certain ways are some assessment test scores. SAT i.e Scholastic Assessment Test is one of the basic assessment test streets that prompt the way of different post-graduation or under graduation degrees. Prior to getting into the assessment one should know the fundamental tips and how to surpass in the assessment when contrasted with others. This thinking test has only one qualification rules that the students ought to have finished their schooling from secondary school. The understudies who show up for this assessment are almost from the age gathering of 17-20 years. Subsequent to having a short preface to what in particular SAT is about we should know about some significant tips for SAT Reading and writing that won’t just provide assistance in finishing the assessment in time yet additionally getting a decent score – 

1 – The Reverse Method

All of us are advised to read the passage quickly and give ample time to the questions of the same or sometimes we are even suggested to read the questions first so that we have a vague idea of what we have to answer and then read the passage. But both of these methods are wastage of time. One should spend ample time on the passage, understand it and then answer the questions. Reading the passage in a hurry will cause you to reread the passage, flip back the pages to read the question and then the passage which is going to be a real waste of time. Therefore, reading the passage is your number one priority which is going to buy you a lot of time.

2 – Rechecking the answers

Once you’re done with answering a lot of questions, there is no need to check them back. Sometimes the individual is confused in some questions like which line supports the answer in the best way, for such questions you have to go through the text thoroughly just once and choose the right option. Do not go through the whole text once again, just look for the middle or ending part or wherever the answer in the text lies. In case you finish your exam early, and you can double-check your answers. But for this, you need to underline the answers in your password so that while double-checking you don’t waste much of your time. 

3 – Say no to primary definitions

When certain questions like define the words that would best describe it based on the content are asked, do not use primary definitions in such answers. You can eliminate the primary definition choice immediately, and include such words in the text that are not similar to the context word but also make meaning to you. Therefore, you can replace the word and check if the meaning still comes out to be the same. 

These little differences are going to make a huge difference when you’re going to sit for an exam and people will wonder how were you able to answer all the questions at the right time and able to recheck them. These tricks are just another way to make your hustle for SAT shine out loud. 

Bishan Bhandari
Bishan Bhandarihttps://topblogtopics.com
Bishan Bhandari is a results-driven digital marketing expert known for his strategic approach, innovative campaigns, and data-driven decision-making. With years of experience in SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, PPC, and brand growth strategies, he has helped businesses scale their online presence and achieve remarkable success.


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